//Javascript hello world;(function(){"use strict"functiongreetMe(name){
console.log("Hello "+ name +".")}greetMe("Damon")})()
//Comment in a line/* comments in
a few lines */
if(true){var a =2}
console.log(a)//2if(true){let b =3}
console.log(b)// b is not definedconstPI=3.14//const variables can not be changedvar a =3// var can be changed
var now =2018var yearJohn =1989var fullAge =18var isFullAge = now - yearJohn >= fullAge
If-else Statements
var ifElse =trueif(ifElse){
console.log("That is true")}else{
console.log("That is not true")}
Ternary Operator
var ternaryFirstName ="John"var ternaryAge =22
ternaryAge >=18? console.log(ternaryFirstName +" can drink."): console.log(ternaryFirstName +" not allowed to drink.")var drink = ternaryAge >=18?"Beer":"juice"
Switch Statement
var job ="teacher"switch(job){case"teacher":
console.log(ternaryFirstName +" teaches.")breakcase"driver":
console.log(ternaryFirstName +" is a driver.")breakdefault:
console.log(ternaryFirstName +" does something else.")}
functioncalculateAge(birthYear){return2018- birthYear
}var ageJohn =calculateAge(1980)var ageDan =calculateAge(1976)
console.log(ageJohn, ageDan)//38 42//function declarationfunctionyearsUntilRetire(year, firstName){var age =calculateAge(year)var retirement =65- age
console.log(firstName +" retires in "+ retirement +" years.")}yearsUntilRetire(1990,"John")//FUNCTION STATEMENTS and EXPRESSIONS//function expression (they do not hoist)varwhichTeam=function(team, name){switch(team){case"Barcelona":return name +" plays for Barca."case"Real Madrid":return name +" plays for R.Madrid."default:return"Does not play for both teams."}}
var coffees =["Dark Roast","Colombian","Turkish"]
console.log(coffees[1])//Colombianvar johnArray =["John","Smith",1980,"player",true]
johnArray.pop()//removes the last
johnArray.shift()//removes the first
console.log(johnArray)var isPlayer =
johnArray.indexOf("player")===-1? johnArray[0]+" is not a player.": johnArray[0]+" is a player."
var car ={myCar:"Subaru",milage:112012,color:"white",}
console.log("I have a "+ car.color +" "+ car.myCar +".")var carNew =newObject()
carNew.model ="Hyundai"
carNew["milage"]=12752//Objects Methodsvar hank ={firstName:"Hank",lastName:"Dang",birthYear:1980,calcAge:function(){this.age =2018-this.birthYear
//for loop
console.log("***for loop***")for(var i =0; i < johnArray.length; i++){
console.log(johnArray[i])}//while loop
console.log("***while loop***")var i =0while(i < johnArray.length){
i++}//continue and break statements
console.log("***continue***")for(var i =0; i < johnArray.length; i++){//if not string skipif(typeof johnArray[i]!=="string")continue
console.log("***break***")for(var i =0; i < johnArray.length; i++){//if not string stopif(typeof johnArray[i]!=="string")break
How Js Works
console.log(2018- year)}//Expression//hoisting doesn't work with expressionsretirement(1980)//Uncaught TypeError: retirement is not a functionvarretirement=function(year){
console.log(65-(2018- year))}//Variables
console.log(age)//undefined Js knows it is declared but not defined yetvar age =36
console.log(age)//undefined --> because age is changed after thisvar age =65
console.log(age)//age is 65 inside the function}foo()
console.log(age)// global age is still 36
// First scoping examplevar a ="Hello!"first()functionfirst(){var b ="Hi!"second()functionsecond(){var c ="Hey!"
console.log(a + b + c)//Hello!Hi!Hey!}}// Example to show the difference between execution stack and scope chainvar a1 ="Hello!"first1()functionfirst1(){var b1 ="Hi!"second1()functionsecond1(){var c1 ="Hey!"third1()}}functionthird1(){var d1 ="John"
console.log(a1 + b1 + c1 + d1)//Uncaught ReferenceError: b1 is not defined// it can not access to b1, c1 because they are inside another func}
console.log(2018- year)
console.log(this)//global object (window)}var damon ={name:"Damon",yearOfStart:2003,yearsOfWork:function(){//method
console.log(this)//damon object
console.log(2018-this.yearOfStart)functioninnerFunction(){//not a method it is a regular function
console.log(this)//back to being window}},}
damon.yearsOfWork()// now this refers to the damon objectvar mike ={name:"Mike",yearOfStart:2010,}
mike.yearsOfWork = damon.yearsOfWork //borrows the method
console.log(2018-this.yearOfBirth)}Person.prototype.lastName ="Smith"var damon =newPerson("Damon",1980,"driver")var henry =newPerson("Henry",1974,"player")
console.log(damon.lastName +" "+ henry.lastName)//Smith Smith
var personProto ={calculateAge1:function(){
console.log(2018-this.yearOfBirth)//27},}var john = Object.create(personProto)
john.name ="John"
john.yearOfBirth =1992
john.job ="teacher"var jane = Object.create(personProto,{name:{value:"Jane"},yearOfBirth:{value:1978},job:{value:"painter"},})
Primitives vs Objects
var age =27var obj1 ={age:26,city:"Berlin",}functionchange(a, b){
a =30
b.city ="San Francisco"}change(age, obj1)
console.log(obj1.city)//San Francisco
Passing functions as arguments
var years =[1970,1960,1893,1920]functionarrayCalc(arr, fn){var arrRes =[]for(var i =0; i < arr.length; i++){
arrRes.push(fn(arr[i]))}return arrRes
}functioncalculateAge2(el){return2018- el
}functionisFullAge(el){return el >=50}functionmaxHeartBeat(el){if(el >=18&& el <=81){return Math.round(206.9-0.67* el)}else{return-1}}var ages =arrayCalc(years, calculateAge2)var fullAges =arrayCalc(ages, isFullAge)var heartBeat =arrayCalc(ages, maxHeartBeat)
console.log(ages)//[48, 58, 125, 98]
console.log(fullAges)//[false, true, true, true]
console.log(heartBeat)// [175, 168, -1, -1]
Function Returning Another Function
functioninterviewQuestions(job){if(job ==="designer"){returnfunction(name){
console.log(name +", can you please explain what UX design is?")}}elseif(job ==="teacher"){returnfunction(name){
console.log("What subject do you teach, "+ name +"!")}}else{returnfunction(name){
console.log("What do you do "+ name +"?")}}}var teacherQuestion =interviewQuestions("teacher")var designerQuestion =interviewQuestions("designer")teacherQuestion("Damon")//What subject do you teach, Damon!designerQuestion("Jane")//Jane, can you please explain what UX design is?interviewQuestions("teacher")("John")//What subject do you teach, John!
// Immediately Invoked Function Expressionsvar x =2;(function(x){var score = Math.random()*10
console.log(x)// 2
console.log(score - x >=5)// false})(x)var x =3
functionretirement(retirementAge){var a =" years left until retirement"returnfunction(yearOfBirth){var age =2018- yearOfBirth
console.log(retirementAge - age + a)}}var retirementUS =retirement(65)var retirementGermany =retirement(66)var retirementIceland =retirement(67)retirementUS(1990)//37 years left until retirementretirementIceland(1990)//39 years left until retirementretirement(1990)(65)//37 years left until retirementfunctioninterviewQuestions(job){returnfunction(name){if(job ==="designer"){
console.log(name +", can you please explain what UX design is?")}elseif(job ==="teacher"){
console.log("What subject do you teach, "+ name +"?")}else{
console.log("What do you do "+ name +"?")}}}interviewQuestions("teacher")("John")//'What subject do you teach, John?'
Bind, Call, Apply
var bca ={name:"Damon",age:23,job:"Driver",presentation:function(style, timeOfDay){if(style ==="formal"){
console.log("Good "+
timeOfDay +" ladies and gentlemen! My name is "+this.name +".I'm a "+this.job +".I'm "+this.age +" years old.")}elseif(style ==="friendly"){
console.log("Hey Good "+
timeOfDay +".What's up? I'm "+this.name +" I'm a "+this.job +".I'm "+this.age +" years old.")}else{
console.log("Please pick a style.")}},}var bca2 ={name:"Mary",age:54,job:"Creator",}
bca.presentation("formal","morning")//Good morning ladies and gentlemen! My name is Damon.I'm a Driver.I'm 23 years old.//call
bca.presentation.call(bca2,"friendly","afternoon")//Hey Good afternoon.What's up? I'm Mary I'm a Creator.I'm 54 years old.//changed this method from bca to bca2 ==> Method borrowing//apply
bca.presentation.apply(bcaCall,["friendly","Morning"])//with array it doesn't fit in our example//bindvar bcaFriendly = bca.presentation.bind(bca,"friendly")bcaFriendly("morning")//Hey Good morning.What's up? I'm Damon I'm a Driver.I'm 23 years old.bcaFriendly("night")//Hey Good night.What's up? I'm Damon I'm a Driver.I'm 23 years old.//similar to call but it doesn't immediately call the function it creates another one with preset arguments
A personal blog by Volkan Uyarer. Developer, Lifelong Learner, Tech Enthusiast.