
My Image

Hi there! Thank you for stopping by. This is Volkan, I am a self-taught web developer. My journey began when I printed out the words 'Hello World!'. This sparked my never-ending curiosity, so I began learning HTML, CSS and from there, moved to JavaScript. And I have not stopped ever since. I continue learning new technologies, languages and I really enjoy creating exciting and hopefully useful applications with that knowledge. I am really looking forward to apply all this knowledge and dedication to a professional setting.

I live in Somerville, Massachusetts. When I am not coding, I am probably laughing with my wife, hiking mountains with beautiful views, playing video games with friends, or mountain biking.


  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Python
  • React
  • SQL
  • Node.js
  • Django
  • Docker
  • file_type_typescriptTypeScript
  • Next.js